Holiday, general update and I got Covid…

Hello everyone, It’s been the longest time since I’ve been active on here! And a lot has happened! Let’s go from the beginning. Summer school holidays have began!! I really needed the break!! My family and I did a staycation, as we can’t really travel abroad with current covid restrictions. We started off in aContinue reading “Holiday, general update and I got Covid…”

My hot gurl summer, hair extensions and a wee catch up xx

Heyy, girl-B here. So it’s been a while. Today I officially stopped school for summer and I can tell you there is absolutely no better feeling! Technically school doesn’t finish for another few days but I’m not going in the last few days to watch a different movie in each class when I could literallyContinue reading “My hot gurl summer, hair extensions and a wee catch up xx”

My experience walking a marathon

Here’s my experience of walking a marathon for a Tiktok trend xxx

motivation during lockdown

‘Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you’ This is a quote i saw and felt like it relates to most people right now. Obviously a large amount of people are working from home/ home schooling and I don’t know about you but some days I am right up andContinue reading “motivation during lockdown”

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